How to Clean and Maintenance Office Chair

Over time, your chair will eventually collect dirt and dust, and get stained from that occasional accidental spill. Casters will also collect lint, hair and other debris, and will need to be cleaned out. But with proper care and cleaning, you can keep your office chair clean and presentable, and extend its lifetime as well.

How to Clean Office Chair Stains?

If you do happen to spill coffee or other food on your chair, it is important to clean it immediately if possible. Before cleaning, check to see if there is an upholstery cleaning code on your chair. If it has a lettered cleaning code, this code will tell you which cleaning method to use.

What Are Upholstery Cleaning Codes?

A “W” means it can be cleaned with water; an “S” indicates you should use a solvent or water-free cleaner, and an “SW” means you can use either. If the label has an “X” it should be professionally cleaned only.

Cleaning Office Chair and Maitaince Step:

When you clean your office chair, you don’t need to use any special type of soap to clean your office chair, it actually very simple!

  1. Make a solution of mild dish soap and dampen a cloth with it to wipe your chair.

  2. For stained areas, gently blot the stain with a dampened cloth.
    Notice: No matter what cleaning method you use, you should pre-test a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning the whole chair.

  3. Clean office chair wheels and lubricate casters.
    Then how to clean office chair wheels and lubricate casters? To keep your office chair rolling smoothly, it is good to get into the habit of cleaning and lubricating the casters on a regular basis. Hair lint and other debris can get lodged in the wheels, making it difficult for the chair to roll smoothly. But it is quite easy to just flip your chair upside down and pull out any debris from inside the wheel housing units. After thoroughly cleaning the debris from the wheels, apply a lubricant like WD-40 to keep them rolling smoothly and prevent rust. This is also a good time to check that all screws and fasteners are tight, and tighten them if needed.

  4. Replace the chair gas lift cylinder.
    Over time, the gas cylinder on your office chair may lose pressure and need to be replaced. How to replace the office chair gas lift cylinder? It is quite easy to just flip your chair over and use a screwdriver to remove the gas cylinder. This can then be replaced with a new cylinder of the same size and type obtained from your chair supplier.